Please tell us what’s on your mind…

November 18, 2009

Use this area to post a comment, suggestion or whatever’s on your mind.

3 Responses to “Please tell us what’s on your mind…”

  1. Rob said

    Hey Paveguard! I love the video on the ‘Why Pave Guard‘ page!

    You guys are really doing something worthwhile, your product will save a lot of lives and countless insurance claims. Thank you thank you thank you!!

  2. Mike K. Reed said

    What is the estimated additional cost of the initial construction per sq. foot, if any?
    What is the estimated life cycle cost of all equipment and material?
    How many additional years will the bridge deck last without salt?
    How much tax payer money is saved on labor to apply the salt?
    What is overall savings to Missouri taxpayers?
    Please reply.
    Thanks, Mike Reed

    • Pave Guard said

      Mike, here is our best effort to answer your questions:
      1) The additional cost is really based on the size of the overall project. It is difficult to give a simple, “catch all” answer for this one.
      2) An estimated 25 years
      3) Even though there will be a minimal amount of salt carried onto the bridge when cars drive onto it, the bridge deck should approximately double its normal life, if not a little more.
      4) These last 2 questions are better left to the DOT to answer

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