
March 18, 2010

Hey everyone! Don’t forget to leave us feedback and comments. We like to know that you all enjoy reading our blog. It’s a great way for us to stay in contact with you and to relay information. Any comments, questions, or critiques are welcomed. Thank you for stopping by our blog!

Spring Is In The Air

March 18, 2010

Spring is finally within sight and coming up quickly within the next few days, and there are a lot of exciting things happening here at Pave Guard. We are just about to finish two jobs here in the next week and are excited to see them up and running. It has definitely been a journey trying to figure out just how our process works, and we could not be happier with the way things are turning out.

Spring is the beginning of what I call “Solar Season,” and it is time for people to start benefiting from solar energy. The majority of energy produced by both photovoltaic and solar thermal panels is produced in the spring and summer months, and this is why it is beneficial that we are completing our jobs before Solar Season.

Our residential job consists of solar thermal panels which will heat the family’s domestic hot water. The panels are installed, the equipment on the inside of the house is installed, and the tubing for the Pave Guard system is set in their concrete driveway. This is a great time for us since we will finally be able to see the finished product. Here are some pictures:

Our commercial job will be completed within the next day or two and the panels look great up on the roof. Take a look!

Right now, with the installation of our system, you can take full advantage of solar energy. The temperature is climbing, the ice is thawing, the ground is warming up, and many people are starting to break out their short-sleeve shirts. Are you ready for warm weather, because we know that we are!

The Soul of Pave Guard

March 3, 2010

Here at Pave Guard Technologies, we are noticeably professional while at work. We place great importance on looking, as well as acting in a professional manner. However last night, March 2nd, a few of us decided to meet at a BBQ restaurant called BB’s BBQ and listen to some live Blues entertainment from Trampled Under Foot (TUF). It was an exhilarating experience to say the least. On usual nights, this small,southern-looking BBQ joint is nothing but a landmark on the side of the road. Come Tuesday night, everything changes.

On the drive to the restaurant, my expectations are neither high nor low; just looking forward to listening to some live music and hanging out with the guys from work. We pull into the small parking lot and an hour before showtime; the place is packed. We park at the back of the small lot and walk the seventy yards or so to the front door. First surprise of the night… $4 cover. Although this somehow never came to mind beforehand, we happily pay and find our seats with those already there.

Once inside, I’m hit with an overwhelming sense of pride that the owners have of BBQ, Blues, and southern culture. Famous Blues musicians are wonderfully painted on the wall, neon beer signs decorate the bar, the tables are covered in red, checkered tablecloths and are packed as closely together as possible while still allowing some comfort. This. Place. Smells. AMAZING. From the outside the restaurant looks like what you would think of a typical, rural BBQ restaurant, but the inside makes you feel that you have been transported through time to a turn of the 19th century BBQ place (with a few modern updates).

After talking for a while and having a few cold-ones, some of the guys decide to order some food: burnt ends, ribs, pulled pork and brisket sandwiches, skillet or regular fries… oh yeah, and don’t forget about the smoked wings. When it seems that we could stand our anticipation no longer, out it comes… in massive portions. I kid you not when I say that the sandwich is as large as my face. … But I feel that something is missing; something I can’t quite put my finger on… Then I hear the kick of the bass drum.

At first sight, these guys are not much to look at. 2 guys and a girl- all family, and two of the three were lefties. The 2 brothers are on Guitar and Drums, and the girl is on the bass. One of the guys with us reminds me that I was in for a treat, and nothing could have prepared me for the tunes that these guys are about to lay down. They play songs from many famous blues guitarists, including Muddy Waters and showcase many songs of their own. From someone who plays, this guy can shred the electric. Not only does he look a bit like him, but this guitarist could put John Mayer to shame. Later on in the show, it is revealed that the guitarist was named the metro’s most promising guitarist in 2009… pretty impressive if you ask me.

The drummer throws down beats that make me tired just watching him, and with a 7 piece kit no-less. After the first set, he lays out a seven minute solo that has both blistering and crawling tempos. His single-kick drum sounds like a double at times, and he never even breaks a sweat. This guy is good.

Now the girl; she is the one that really blows me away. Okay, they all sing; even the drummer, but this girl can walk a blues lick in her sleep… and do it while singing. This woman had some soul, I tell you what. You can tell she felt the song through what she sings and what she plays. She has a great range and a wonderful tone, and she is really fun to watch, as are both of the other band members.

After the show, I feel an overwhelming urge to listen to all of my Buddy Guy albums… I wonder why. If you are ever in the Kansas City metro area on a Tuesday night, you need to come hear these guys. The whole group of us were blown away and speechless. If I could sum up their performance in one word, it would have to be “LEGIT.”

Right now, there seems to be a lot of talk within political circles about renewable energy, and rightfully so. It seems that America finally realizes just how far behind we have fallen in relation to other industrialized nations when it comes to using renewable energy. Understanding the political aspect of renewable energy is they key to advancing America’s drive toward a Green economy. Many of the representatives in Congress and the Senate oppose the push toward renewable energy claiming that jobs will be lost in the process and the result will actually place our economy further into recession. Ohio Republican Representative John Boehner gives his view of what would happen if America went Green.

Many on the Republican side think that” going green” means sending jobs overseas and sending our country further into recession. This could not be further from the truth. Yes, going green means that jobs will be lost from many industries, but what some fail to recognize is the creation of jobs within renewable energy markets. Engineers that once worked in power plants, could now become educated on solar, wind, hydroelectric, and thermal technologies. There is great potential for more jobs to be created than the amount that is lost.

On the construction side of things, the industry is at a low point, to say the least. Many construction workers are picking up new trades to compensate for the lack of work. Why not learn something in any of the renewable energy industries? Renewable energy really is the future of America… much of the rest of the industrialized world is miles ahead of the U.S. and it is tough sometimes to see an industrial giant like the U.S. fall so far behind. China, Spain, and Germany, just to name a few, have goals set for the future to lower their overall carbon emission standards and have already met several of them. This is something that the U.S. needs to do, and that many within Congress are pressing for.

Senators John Kerry and Barbara Boxer have introduced to the senate S. 1733, a 1,719 page Act that would ultimately lower carbon emissions by a substantial amount. Click on the link and go to the bottom of the page for the bill. There are some promising things packaged within this act. This is much like the Waxman- Markey bill (H.R.2454)  that has passed the House and is waiting in the Senate. The Kerry Boxer bill is different in that it has much stricter regulations on the reductions of carbon emissions. Highlighted are a few points. S.1733 includes:

  • Based on the 2005 carbon emissions, we would have to cut emissions by 20% by 2025, 32% by 2030, and 83% by 2050
  • A proposed Cap and Trade program that would allow companies to purchase Carbon Credits relative to their carbon output, bank, sell or trade unused credits, and discipline companies who exceed the maximum carbon emissions allotted for their size business.
  • Requires that the EPA would be the regulator of the emission standards.
  • Also, the bill regulates the emission standards on many types of engines
  • Implements federal grants for the retrofit of businesses and educational facilities to a more energy efficient standard.

Becoming less dependent on foreign oil and fossil fuels will greatly benefit our country, because we would not be held subject to price gouging by the oil companies. When most other businesses were declining, oil companies boomed during the recession, simply because they knew they could charge what they wanted for their oil. Why not become dependent on a renewable type of energy? America should become dependent on a kind of energy that would create no emission, never run out, and would require very little maintenance. It would be great to see our country as one that is dependent on no other but itself. Hopefully, this is what the future of what our country will look like.

What are Metal Chihuahuas?  A better question is “Who are Metal Chihuahuas?”.  The Metal Chihuahuas are a group of students at Ross Middle School, in Hamilton, Ohio.  These amazing students have been participating in a state-wide competition called the Thunderhawk Regional First LEGO League.

Teams involved in this competition are judged on their robot design and programming, teamwork, and research project.  These teams are also required to identify a transportation problem that impacts their community and develop an innovative solution for this problem. Teams likewise competed by performing missions with their robots on a playing field.

Some months ago, Pave Guard was contacted by the faculty sponsor for the Metal Chihuahuas.  She explained that the team had decided to explore an environmentally-friendly technology for melting snow and ice on roads, as their research project.  When they contacted the Ohio Department of Transportation for some information on such technology, they were referred to Pave Guard for information.  This is how our fun and rewarding relationship with the Metal Chihuahuas began.

Over the last few months, Corey McDonald, the Pave Guard CEO, has sent information back and forth to the Metal Chihuahuas about the Pave Guard system so they can incorporate it into their research project.  In an article about the Metal Chihuahuas and their overall competitive victories, appearing in the Dayton Daily News on December 8, 2009, someone who had attended the regional competition made these impressive remarks about the team’s efforts:

“I attended this amazing show of robotic talent. The Ross Teams showed what they were capable of, to the other participants. RMS is definitely on the FLL map now! A judge had told the LEGO Busters that their score of 345 out of 400 possible isn’t usually reached by any team until they have at least 4-5 years of experience with the robots. This was the first time such a feat had occurred with a team of only 2 years under their belt! AMAZING!!”

As a result of their regional victory, the Metal Chihuahuas have been invited to compete at the state-level competition.  We know the team has done a great job in preparing their project and will do well at the state competition.

Great job Metal Chihuahuas!!!  Pave Guard is proud of you.

Ross Middle School - "Metal Chihuahuas"

A Lee’s Summit company, Pave Guard Technologies, has created solar panels that will fight ice and snow on bridges and overpasses. KMBC’s Brenda Washington talks with Corey McDonald…

[See Video]

Eastern Jackson County, MO —

An area company is getting a chance to prove it might have a better idea for keeping ice and snow off bridges. It says its product makes the roads safer, saves money on road maintenance and even contributes to the power grid.

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From the St. Louis Business Journal
by Kelsey Volkmann 12/7/09

“Missouri plans to be one of the first states in the nation to use solar energy to melt snow and ice off bridges”.

(Veiw the Article)

New Bridge Technology could be saving more than money, it could be saving our Ass-phalt!

(View the Channel 2 News Report)

“This system has the potential to pay for itself in as little as five years”.

Simply put, Pave Guard’s system is similar to radiant heating in a home’s floor. Solution pumped through tubing in the bridge deck will be warmed with solar panels installed at the bridge site, which will keep the deck from freezing. Excess energy produced by the panels when the heating system is not in use can be sold back to local utilities. 

(View the Release)